Inventory System in C#

I've created this application to create invoices, inventory maintenance, work report for micro wave installation company. In this program, you can get idea about how to make trial application, work with windows registry and how to make text to speech application. Thank you for Downloading JS143.. Hope you'l like it.. 1. Install JS143. 2. Create New Database name "innowave", 3. Import "Innowave.sql" to database. 4. Run the Patch.exe n Enjoy 5. Default User ID = "1" password="1234" Design and Creation- J & J Company (PVT) Ltd, Contact : Janaka :- // MySql Connection Server:"localhost" Database: "Innowave" User:"root" password:""

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plz sir send me download link ,because i want to submite my project to next week ,and don't have an ida about project that how and what project to be submitted to sir in this semester

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