Human Resource Management System with Source Code
This Human Resource Management System (HRMS) can be used to manage a certain company's employees' records. It is created using C#.NET & MS SQL Server. Coding Stand is 3 Tier Architecture. This system store the company's employees' details and other relevant information such as the employees leave details. The system also manages the daily attendance of the employees. This HRMS generates reports for Employee Details and Salary.
- Employee Details
- Department Details
- Job Details
- Leave Details
- Create User Account
- Employee Report
- Salary Report
- Backup SQL Database and more other option
How to Run
- Download and Install Microsoft Visual Studio
- Download and Install Microsoft SQL Server
- Download the source code zip file. (download button is located below)
- Extract the source code file.
- Open the extracted source code folder and locate the solution file known as "HRMS.sln".
- Open the Solution file with your Visual Studio.
- Open your MS SQL Server then attach the database. The database file is located at the "Database" folder of the extracted source code folder.
- Configure the connection string data source according to your attached database. Data Source configuration should be done in both the "app.config" file and "Commoncls.cs"(data source is located in setConnectionString method) file.
- Configure the path/directory where you want to save your backup database file. To do this Open the "Commoncls.cs" file and locate the "Sqlback method".
- Press the "F5" key on your keyboard to run the project.
Account Info
username: john
password: 123
I hope this Human Resource Management System in C#.NET and MS SQL Server project will help you with what you are looking for and for your future C# projects.
Enjoy Coding :)
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