Migrated To VPS from Shared Hosting
We are currently FINISHED moving our files to a new server for upgrading our web hosting plan. On November 9, 2010 this website was temporarily disabled by our web hosting because it consumes a lot of CPU due to increase in website traffic.
Though the transfer cost me five times the price of previous plan, I did not regret because it’s worth the upgrade. Additionally, I manage to setup and run boost module to apply caching on this website.
This website is set to cache a page for an hour to resist on high volume of traffic. That means if an anonymous comment is approved; it is most likely to appear within an hour after it has published.
I hope you have a great experience on this website. Keep this website alive by contributing some of your source code, articles or tutorials. You will not only help those who are in need of your programming skills but you will also improve your knowledge in programming when you create a new program and encounter a new problem.
If you are a beginner and eager to learn programming, study every piece of code that you find here. Don’t forget to ask question also on our forum if you find it difficult to understand. There are those who are really kind-hearted and want to help you. Just be patient though as you are not paying them to answer your question. Be polite and use your initiative when asking a question.
The lists below are some of the example of a stupid question:
- Can you give me source code on Payroll System? Please send it to my email.
- Please help me create Enrollment System with documentation.
- I need source code on Accounting ASAP.
You are very lucky if somebody will send you a complete source code. Plus being a demanding person who’d like to ask somebody to email you.
This message is not meant to discourage you, but rather teaching you on how to be polite on the internet.
Read How to Ask Question to learn more on how to ask question the smart way.
Thank you very much for supporting and its community.
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