Facebook Developers Live Launched Video Channel

The world's leading social media company, Facebook has launched a video channel to give developers a new way of accessing its tutorials, conferences and lots of information. The video channel, Facebook Developers Live is an addition to the Facebook Developers site that was established last 2007 and has over 1.1 Million likes. Some of the screen casts currently available on the site includes the keynote from the Facebook Mobile Developer Day as explained by Facebook Head of Platform Product, Dan Purdy. Here are some of the tutorials available on Facebook Developers Live: *** Your First Open Graph App *** Publishing Open Graph Actions Using the JavaScript SDK *** Introduction to Mobile App Install Ads *** Using the Facebook SDK for Android *** Open Graph Tagging Users, Messages, and Posts *** Open Graph Pro Tips The first ever live event on the Developer Live was held on February 19, 2013 at around 10:30 PM PST. The idea discussed by Facebook Head of Platform Product, Doug Purdy, is about "The Top 3 Things Every Mobile Developer Needs to Know in 2013." The recorded version is currently available on Facebook Live. For more information regarding the event and the Facebook Developers Live just head on to the official site of Facebook Developers Live.

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