Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 Add Programming Support Announcement

The world's largest and highest-valued semi-conductor company have released development suites for developers wanting to build shared memory and distributed applications. The Intel Parallel Studio XE 2012 has been released today, aside from the fact that it aimed to developed shared memory application, it includes also Intel C++ and Fortran compilers, threading, math, multimedia and signal processing performance libraries. You can simply use the software in your applications with the use of an extensions that provides parallelism. One of this extension is the Intel Extension Plus, designed to improve the performance of programs on multicore and manycore processors. According to James Reinders, director of software products and an evangelist for Intel Software who stated that traditionally Parallel Studio tools have focused on Fortran and C++ but right now it can attach to multiple JVMs running on the same system. It gives more flexibility to find problems that may exist across a Java applications ecosystem. The Parallel Studio XE 2013 also includes threading assistant for Linux and Windows. Meanwhile the other package, Intel Cluster Studio XE 2013, provides support for distributed and hybrid applications and will ship before the end of the year. Both packages can be used to write apps to run on Intel Ivy Bridge Core processors or on Intel Xeon Phi many-core co-processors. The two software suites from Intel supports x86-based parallel programming for high performance computing and beyond. The company was used to refreshing their software development each year to sync up its support with the latest and greatest silicon and to add new features for developers.

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