jQuery 1.8 Released from jQuery's CDN

The final code of the jQuery 1.8 was finally released through jQuery CDN. After the released of several betas that was tested by numerous users, the final product of jQuery 1.8 is finally here and there's no reason for you to wait. Here's the jQuery 1.8 Final Code from jQuery CDN: jQuery 1.8 (compressed and minified, for production) jQuery 1.8 (uncompressed, for debugging) The jQuery 1.8 beta released have been released earlier to anticipate a possible bug reports so that jQuery users could report bugs if they have found one. jQuery have also advised that if someone find a bug, you can create a case on jsFiddle.net or jsbin.com jsbin and file a bug on their bug tracker. If you're not sure you've found a bug, ask on their forum. jQuery core 1.8.0 is compatible with the latest version of jQuery UI (1.8.22), and jQuery Mobile (1.1.1). Make sure that you have already updated those if you're reporting bugs on pages that involve them. Changes in jQuery 1.8: Sizzle re-architectured: jQuery's selector engine is faster than ever. Animations re-imagined: Most changes are under the covers, existing animations just work better for they are now more general and extendable. One notable and very cool feature is the use of the progress callbacks in Promises. For sample of new code on in action just click jQuery 1.8 Code in Action Automatic CSS prefixing. More flexibility. More than 160 bugs closed. Smaller code size: The gzipped file size of jQuery 1.8 is actually a few hundred bytes smaller than jQuery 1.7.2. Modularity: You can use the new grunt-based build systerm to strip our parts of jQuery that you know you don't need, you can only do this if you know your project's jQuery dependencies well. The full changelog is available through the Official jQuery Blog.

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