Creating Your Own Framework

hi there! have you tried creating your own framework??? what is framework anyways? FRAMEWORK is an abstraction in which software providing generic functionality can be selectively changed by user code, thus providing application a more simplified code using lesser lines. I have made one in visual basic and it takes only 9 lines for a complete basic data entry facility that can add, edit, delete records on database... this also includes validations and error trapping. in this case, having one makes me works easily and takes only 5 minutes to finish a data entry facility for my projects. now i start working with my framework in PHP and completed about 50% of it... if you you're seeing your self that will be staying in programming, y not start working with your own framework by now? aNd i'm telling you, it's great advantage having one...

I don't think it's a good idea... i have nothing to prove! I'm just sharing my ideas so it's up to you if u'll be taking it or not...

In reply to by pinuno

you have something to prove since you're talking about the advantage of having a framework. if you don't provide a sample code then people will not take your post seriously esp the part "9 lines of code". i also think it's a great idea esp for us, newbies.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Maybe the author was sharing a best-practice tip which "might be" (or is) helpful for many developers, especially those who's main job is software/web development. I also add to this another best-practice, which I regret I didn't do. When you work on something that has several steps to complete (be it a configuration, a installation, or even a function which you improved several times to be as efficient as possible), write a blog about it. Even if you don't want to share it publicly, you probably "will" refer to it back later. And when you write a function which you reuse in several parts of your application, that is a project-specific framework. Just generalize the function, and place it in a library and share the library with your other projects. Personally, I think no need for any proof that having a framework is a best-practice, and indeed an advantage.

In reply to by Nasry Al-Haddad (not verified)

I think you completely miss the point here. I wasn't arguing about best practices. I was asking for some sample codes.

In reply to by Nasry Al-Haddad (not verified)

I am glad you got my point Nasry. Anyways, once again, I'm just sharing my ideas and my experience as developer. It's up to you guys if you'll be taking it or not it's not my concern here! I have nothing to prove, in short, "take it or leave it!". If you're in development you'll find this idea very useful and relevant without asking for any sample codes or anything. the point here is, there's something we can do to make programming much easier for us instead of staying on traditional way of coding. Anyways Yhash and Nikz thanks for the support... you have seen my frame work and i know you have developed your own too... good for you guys and for Nasry thank!

In reply to by pinuno

Why should we reenventing a wheel when its already invented? right? MICROSOFT already has best-practice/framework provided and its free(, im not a fan of Microsoft but atleast they have lot of something to offer when it comes to best practice and framework. so why the fuck using non-proven framework when microsoft already provided a framework for us, right? its proven and tested used by microsoft professional itself.... juz sharing my thoughts... :)

my point here is not to reinvent! and just to let you know, I'm not forcing you to believe! as developer that's your point of view, then me as developer, i have completed projects using my own framework that simplifies my codes in the front-end. It may sounds "FUCKING IDEA!" for your, but for those who understands, "IT'S A GREAT IDEA!" that's your point of view and understanding regarding this matter so i do respect you. Just hope you could have the chance to experience working with your OWN FRAMEWORK!

Every programmer have their own intellectual property that cannot be shared to others. As his student, I have seen sir harold's framework and its good, I prove it..

Try to think.. pinuno will not post this blog if he could not really made it. i have seen his framework and it is very useful. no need to prove. ^_^ Consultant/Software Developer [email protected] +639182397176

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