My Take on Drupal

Hi, Handywoman is back. Today, I will be sharing stuff about one of the tools that I really love. As a seasoned programmer myself, I never intend on reinventing the wheel. Even when I was in school, I would always look for a faster alternative. Not that I’m lazy. I only wanted be fast and efficient. Most of my professors would disagree back then. I still can recall that generally all their arguments are base on their lack of knowledge and capability to cope with new technology or trend. Crazy me, innovative since birth, is willing to try anything as long as I won’t go to jail or does not involve taking off, you know what. I then happen to come across CMS or Content Management System. I am not so specific with the year but for certain it was when Joomla is still Mambo and PhpBB is still kicking. And there I found, Drupal 4.7. I started from simple website with capability of blogging (Blog then is not that famous then) and online poll. Things are not that simple back then. I was just a neophyte and everything was a struggle. I remember posting a problem hoping that Internet could help me but instead, to my behold, I have seen more problems than answers. Maybe because, Internet is not as fast as today and it was so expensive and slow. Any not so oldie would agree with me. Perhaps, situation is somehow similar nowadays, that you could see more problems than solutions. But as the spirit of Open-Source touches the rest of the world, people are beginning to share and help others. Not just all work for the sake of Almighty Bucks! Anyways, I started using 4.7 and as time flies, it’s now 7.4. You can see Drupal timeline as this link or see attached. None of my site is using version lower that Drupal 5. I haven’t tried 7.++ yet. But for what it’s worth, I might one of these days. I’m a big fan of Open-Source and a believer of Drupal. But believe me when I say that I was being ridiculed before for using it. But look now my mighty critics, Drupal has more than 600,000 users, with close to 200 languages, in 228 countries all over the world. You can believe otherwise but I am firm with my stand that Drupal is the best CMS that’s why it’s worth writing from time to time.* [inline:drupal_release_timeline.png=Drupal timeline]

Handy I totally agree with you.

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