10 Female Programmers Who Left Great Marks In I.T. Field
Submitted by Ivan Ponce on Monday, July 9, 2018 - 22:01.
Usually, the number of males in a class taking a computer course is greater than the number of females. Most girls are in the medical field, the teaching field, and in the culinary field. However, not known to many, there are at least ten females who actually left great marks in the field of Information Technology. These female programmers proved that it is not only the males who can excel in the computer field.
Based on an article posted on Technotification, here are the ten female programmers who left great marks in the field of Information Technology and Computer Science:
1. Ada Lovelace
Ada Lovelace who was born on December 10,1815 was the first woman to have devised an algorithm that can be processed by a computer or a machine. She is tagged as the first female programmer in the world. Ada died on November 27, 1852.
2. Barbara Liskov
Born on Nov. 7, 1939, Barbara Liskov was the one who invented the Liskov substitution principle. She is also the woman behind the Venus operating system. Furthermore, she is one of those first women who were granted a doctorate in computer science. She took it in the United States.
3. Jean Jennings Bartik
Jean Jennings Bartik who was born on Dec. 27, 1924 was one of those behind the ENIAC computer. She worked on BINAC and UNIVAC after doing ENIAC. The said female programmer died on March 23, 2011.
4. Shafi Goldwasser
American-Israeli Shafrira Goldwasser was a Turing awardee in 2012. She is one of the inventors of probabilistic encryption and the zero-knowledge proofs. Also, Goldwasser has big contributions to the field of computational number theory, computational complexity theory, and cryptography.
5. Radia Perlman
Born on January 1, 1951, Radia Perlman became known for her 'spanning-tree protocol' or the STP. This computer programmer and network engineer is known as the mother of the internet.
6. Adele Goldberg
Adele Goldberg was born on July 7, 1945. According to the article, she is one of those behind the Smalltalk-80, a programming language. She also contributed to the design patterns that are widely utilized in software design.
7. Margaret Hamilton
Born on August 7, 1936, Margaret Hamilton is the woman behind the term "software engineering". She was the director of the onboard flight software developer Software Engineering Division of the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory.
8. Frances Elizabeth Allen
American computer scientist Frances Elizabeth Allen is the pioneer in optimizing compilers. She is also the first woman who was granted a Turing Award and the first female IBM. Among her excellent works include the parallelization and program optimization.
9. Grace Hopper
Grace Hopper who was born on Dec. 9, 1906 is the woman behind the first compiler for a computer programming language. Based on the article, she is also one of the first programmers of Harvard Mark I computer.
10. Lois Mitchell Haibt
Lois Haibt who was born in 1934 is one of those ten people behind the very first successful programming language FORTRAN. Also, she the woman behind the first syntactic analyzer. In 1956, she's one of those who worked on FORTRAN's first manual.
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