VB.NET Introduction

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Some times back the visual basic was the mostly widely used for developing applications. The VB is most popular for its graphical environment. The Visual Basic .Net is the extension of visual basic programming language. The new language provides many new features. If we compare the VB with VB.NET, there are huge changes in all areas. The VB.NET is designed to take advantage of the .NET framework classes. New features (in comparison with VB) 1). VB.NET is Object oriented; it supports all the OOP features like inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism etc. 2).The names of controls are change like “Command Button” becomes “Button” 3). Different new sets of controls are added to the control toolbox. 4). New keywords are introduced and older one’s are remove or renamed. 5). VB.NET is strongly type language that means that we have to declare all variable before using it. 6). We can develop console application in VB.NET, which will run in the DOS. 7). The way of handling data has been changed, VB.NET used ADO.NET to communicate with the database. 7). We can develop different application with this language like web application, desktop applications etc. 8). All built in VB function are encapsulated in one namespace i.e. System 9). VB.NET support multi threading, it means we can do different things at one time. That makes the best usage of system resources. We have discussed the comparison of VB.NET with older VB version and if you have any question then post your question regarding VB.NET here. About the author: PlanetSourceCode.in is a place for all developer providing free source codes, articles, complete projects,complete application in PHP, C/C++, Javascript, Visual Basic, Cobol, Pascal, ASP/VBScript, AJAX, SQL, Perl, Python, Ruby, Mobile Development