Sometime we stuck in a problem in which we have to get a time which is after 20 or 60 minutes then there is simple function which can add minutes to a particular datetime variable
take an example we want to add 60 minutes to present time, for this we simply do is make an 2 objects of current datetime class i.e. date1 and date2
System.DateTime date1 = System.DateTime.Now;
System.DateTime date2 = System.DateTime.Now;
after that simply add 60 minutes to the second datetime object created earlier with the help of AddMinutes method like below
System.DateTime date2new = date2.AddMinutes(60);
Method * Description
Add Adds a timespan value
AddDays Adds a certain number of days
AddHours Adds a certain number of hours
AddMilliseconds Adds a certain number of Milliseconds
AddMinutes Adds a certain number of minutes
AddMonths Adds a certain number of months
AddSeconds Adds a certain number of seconds
AddTicks Adds a certain number of ticks
AddYears Adds a certain number of years
GetDateTimeFormats Returns a list of available datetime formats
GetHashCode Returns hashcode for a certain date. int is returned
IsDaylightSavingTime Determines if a datetime object is daylightsavings
Subtract Subtracts a timespan object from datetime object
ToBinary Serializes object to long value to be used later
ToFileTime Converts datetime to a windows file time
ToLocalTime Returns a local time object as datetime
ToLongDateString Returns a string as a longdate format
ToLongTimeString Returns a string as a long time format
ToOADate Converts a datetime object to a OLE automation date
ToShortDateString Returns a short date format
ToShortTimeString Returns a short time format
ToString Returns a string that represents the datetime object
* ... nd_Objects
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