Google Map Application in Android

Operating System
Hi. I just want to share this android application in creating and displaying Google Map. I used the Basic4Android software in creating this application. I included the full source code in this application and also the GoogleMap Library in which you are going to put it in your b4a software library. It will be very helpful to your project and to your thesis software. Hope this app helps! :) Visit and like my page on Facebook at: Mobile: 09488225971

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.

the best sir! very good app

I have Eclipse SDK Version: 4.2.2 installed in PC. How to run and build this application . What is Basic4Android software? Iam facing difficulty in fixing the errors like "The import anywheresoftware cannot be resolved" what is anywheresoftware.Can you briefly explain . where is b4a.example.

error on compile & debug Parsing code. Error Error parsing program. Error description: Unknown type: mapfragment Are you missing a library reference? Occurred on line: 21 Dim mf As MapFragment

Please purchase first the B4A installer and you will have all the libraries needed for Basic4Android. Thanks

kindly What about this error? B4A version: 5.02 Parsing code. (0.00s) Compiling code. (0.02s) Compiling layouts code. (0.00s) Generating R file. (0.07s) Compiling generated Java code. Error Cannot find: C:\Program Files (x86)\Anywhere Software\Basic4android\libraries\google-play-services.jar

if you already know how to use it to the level of 99.999% then you MIGHT find this helpful.... typical forum entry


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