Basic4Android - SQLite Demo (Add, Delete, Update/Edit)
Submitted by hob2006 on Monday, September 24, 2012 - 08:49.
The beauty of this simple little program is not in its novelty value, but that it can be added to any other program to add functionality and make a point of difference.
Please install the apk installer to see the sample demo in action.
To our webmaster your kindness is highly appreciated.
Hobert Starks always at your service!
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About SQLite
SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained, serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine. SQLite is the most widely deployed SQL database engine in the world. The source code for SQLite is in the public domain.
This is an adroid app to do what?
Not quite understanding what this is? You can access a mysql database via an android?
>I use SQLite database for this application.Please read my post about SQlite.
>Please install the apk file to an android phone.
>This Simple program can Add, Delete, and Edit/Update data using SQLITE database.
>It is possible to use mysql database to an android phone via a network
connection (wi-fi) or in webserver.
>Thank you for your inquiry
apk Installer submitted
The complete source code is available upon request at [email protected].
MSSQL Connection
Can you please tell me how to connect MS SQL Server data base through basic4android.
MSSQL Connection
SQL Directo Connection
Without Asp Code we can connect to ms SQL i.e. Directly from hand set to SQL database. Thanks in Advance
help me please
i need help for run this program source in basic4android
one error runtime >> error device
[email protected]
Emplacement base de données
1 - Je veux savoir l'emplacement de la base de données SQLDemo dans le système ANDROID...
2 - Est ce que c'est possible de définir un emplacement spécifie dans le chemin d'acces Basic4Android exp. /sdcard/Android/data/db.dql
SMB Connction
I want connect my device with my sqllite data base in my pc (ethernet) but the SMB not work in declaration : Dim SMB1 AS SMB (B4A not now it) ???
Thanks for help
Update Table
Dear Permalink
Please help me to update a table from Webserver to devise database in basic4android. I am using the below mentioned code it is updating only one value to all columns.
L= a.Query("select * from TabDate")
For i = 1 To L.Size -1
SQL1.ExecNonQuery2("INSERT INTO datemstr VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", Array As Object(i)
Please help me.
Thanks in Advance
Manoj Kumar
sir pano po maupdate ung data
sir pano po maupdate ung data ng .sql file? di sya naguupdate pag nagedit ako ng user and pass
hey can i have the full source code about the Basic4Android - SQLite Demo (Add, Delete, Update/Edit) PLEASE... I badly need it.
JUST SEND IT @ [email protected]
hello, can you help me? how
hello, can you help me? how are the syntax to show data from sqlite to listview in basic4andoid? thankyou.
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