How to Display Data in Windows Forms

In order to display data in windows forms all you need to do is drag Items from the Data Sources. For more information, see How to Add New Data Source.

Before you drag the Items (i.e. table name) make sure that you select the display type and type of control that you’d like to appear in the Windows Forms.

To do this expand the Item name and the arrow down to select the display type and type of control which you would like to appear.

Display type

Data Sources Display Type

Type of Control

Data Sources Type of Control

Once you finish selecting the type of control to appear on your Windows Form, drag the items to the desired Forms. In this case, you have to drag Books.

DataSet to Windows Form

Now that you know on how to drag an Item to your Windows Form, add another form to your project with the name of the table and its prefix “frm”.

Your Project Explorer would look similar from the following image:

Solution Explorer

For the meantime, add only the four forms as shown above. We will add Borrow and Return forms on the next tutorial.

After you add all the necessary forms, drag the rest of items from the Data Sources that corresponds to each form (i.e. drag MembersDataSet to frmMembers.vb).

Back to Visual Basic .NET 2008 Tutorial.


Sir, pls help us about our mini theses... pls give us code about braking monitoring system using visual basic 6... pde pong mg-add, delete ng mga employee... ska un time in ska time out ng break nla.. pls rply tnx po:))

same question po..

pls tell me how to display last save record in form when form load language - database - sql server 2008 pls help....

Sir Good day, ask k lang how to connect 2008 to sql server

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