How to Read and Write XML File using VB.NET

Submitted by admin on
In this example you’ll learn on how to read and write into XML file using VB.NET. XML file is useful if you want to store simple data like storing database name and server information so that your application will remember what server and or database your program is connected in last session. An example of storing your database and server info: Where “server” is the name of your computer that run

Invalid object name in Stored Procedure Alter Command

Submitted by admin on
If you are working with stored procedure using SQL Server Management Studio Tools (SSMS), you will encounter a problem (well, not really a problem) “ Invalid object name” on the name of your stored procedure. Please see screenshot below: This error is not made by SQL Server but rather by SSMS. The solution to this problem is to clear the intelliSense cache. Click on Edit menu => IntelliSense =>

Number Subsets Calculator in Java (Applet using AWT)

Submitted by onyx_ash08 on
Guys, here is a problem given to us by our professor during our class in Object-Oriented Programming. Here, I used the AWT library of Java to design the interface. Problem: Given an array containing some integers (there may be duplicates), write a routine or method that returns all the possible sums that can be formed by using numbers in the array. For instance, if the array contains 4 and 6, the

Decimal to Hexadecimal Conveter in Java (Console-Based)

Submitted by onyx_ash08 on
Hi guys! I'm here again. Today, I will show you a Java program I made that can convert a Decimal Number to its equivalent Hexadecimal Value. It is very easy to do this because I just followed the rules in converting from decimal to hexadecimal number in number system. Take note that there are 16 values or digits used in hexadecimal number system which is the number from 0 to 9, and the first six