Decimal to Hexadecimal Conveter in Java (Console-Based)
Submitted by onyx_ash08 on Tuesday, April 24, 2012 - 13:09.
Hi guys! I'm here again. Today, I will show you a Java program I made that can convert a Decimal Number to its equivalent Hexadecimal Value. It is very easy to do this because I just followed the rules in converting from decimal to hexadecimal number in number system. Take note that there are 16 values or digits used in hexadecimal number system which is the number from 0 to 9, and the first six (6) letters in the alphabet which is from A to F that corresponds to the number 10 to 15, respectively.
See the image below. Download the sample program source code and try it on your own. You can add some features if you want or integrate the other program source codes converter I posted here.
Happy coding guys! You can learn more in my personal website at:
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