Windows Azure SQL Updates with New Features

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
A service updates have been released and added to the Windows Azure SQL database according to the latest announcement by Microsoft. The company behind Windows Azure, Microsoft has deployed service updates to Windows Azure SQL Database that add new features. The updates now has support for linked server and distributed queries against the database. With the latest Windows Azure SQL Updates you can

Storage Classes in C

Submitted by amrendra oraon on
Any variable in C programming is specified by it's data-type and storage-class specifier. The general syntax is as follows :- //storage-class data-type variable-name; // Example: extern int myInteger; There are four storage classes in C: 1) Automatic 2) External 3) Static, and 4) Register. 1.1) Automatic Variables :- These are the variables defined with in a function. Alternatively any thing

JavaOne Conference to be held in San Francisco on Sept. 20 to Oct. 4, 2012

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The 2012 JavaOne Conference, a yearly event where Oracle and its partners will present the latest in tools, technologies, and best practices for Java developers will take place in San Francisco. The highly-anticipated event by Java developers will take place this coming September 30 up to October 4, 2012. All interested developers were requested to register online until Friday, September 28, 2012

Basic4Android - SQLite Demo (Add, Delete, Update/Edit)

Submitted by hob2006 on
The beauty of this simple little program is not in its novelty value, but that it can be added to any other program to add functionality and make a point of difference. Please install the apk installer to see the sample demo in action. To our webmaster your kindness is highly appreciated. Hobert Starks always at your service!

GNU GCC 4.7.2 Released with Bug Fixes

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The GCC 4.7.2 which was released on September 20, 2012 have already released a stable version with a total of 75 bug fixes. The GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 4.7.0 was first released on March 22, 2012 and followed it up with GCC 4.7.1 version last June 14, 2012. The GNU GCC which includes front ends for for C, C++, Objective-C, Fortran, Java, Ada, and Go. The GCC was originally written as the

Internet Ping(ms) Tester

Submitted by princenathan on
This is Internet Ping Test per Second Green=Good Yellow=Not Good Red=Bad Ping (networking utility), a computer network tool used to test whether a particular host is reachable across an IP network Ping, a pulse of sound in active sonar iTunes Ping, a social network for music built into Apple iTunes Ping (blogging), used for blogs, RSS, and related web services PING (software), software for disk

CodeIgniter: Don't Reinvent the Wheel Use the Most Powerful PHP Framework

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
PHP programmers were always on the look out for the most powerful framework at their disposal, and CodeIgniter is one of the few PHP framework that meet the much-needed tools for programmers who are willing and eager to discover something that will enhance their programming skills. The CodeIgniter, a framework developed by EllisLab is one of the most powerful PHP framework built for PHP coders who