Product Inventory Database
Submitted by sourcecode07 on Monday, August 26, 2013 - 19:59.
Product Inventory Database is a system that allows the user to add product details, edit product informations,
delete product records, search data from the database. This system is using a foxpro programming language, it is user friendly nice graphic user interface
The purpose of this system is to determine the availability of the stocks and its quantity, record the stock in, stock out and create purchse order to the suppliers.
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Product Inventory Database
nice program. sir puwede mo ba ako help sa ginagawa ko na employee database program. this is my email address [email protected]
Additional Idea Mr. Rolly, use this code in searching records
You should have grid
GO top
locate FOR upper(alltrim(yourtextboxnamehere)) $ ALLTRIM(yourfieldnamehere)
if found()
set filter to upper(alltrim(yourtextboxnamehere)) $ ALLTRIM(yourfieldnamehere)
wait window 'Record Not Found' nowait
Everytime you type letter on a textbox(search) it will automatically display all the records containing the letter or word you typed.
I hope this add a little idea.
Happy programming.
Can we integrate VFP product inventory database with .NET
idea is to read the product record using Handheld mobile device connected via using Wifi and installed Windows CE?
please advise and thanks a lot
B. Regards,
[email protected]
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