Easy Way to implement A Dynamic Clock in Java using Threads

Submitted by mehfuza on
Introduction: In this Tutorial, creation of clock which updates every second is explained. Here we create an Application for clock. It shows Hour, minutes and seconds which updates every second. Main Idea: The Dynamic clock can be created using Java's Timer thread but here we will see how to use our own thread and accomplish the task. This tutorial can clear any doubts you have in Java Threads.


Submitted by admin on
Variable plays an important role in computer programming. Every programming language are using variable to store temporary data and holds it until it is freed. By using a variable, you can use it one or more times even up to millionth times if it is necessary. Consider if you want to display the following string a millionth times: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." You would need to type it 44 times over and over again to print the same result. But if you store it in a variable, all you need to do is call that variable and display the same result.

Student Database

Submitted by thuhChief on
This source code will perform basic operation of a database like record navigation, add new, and delete record. Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class frmStudentDB Private Sub frmStudentDB_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load 'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'UniversityDataSet.Student' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. Me

Unit Converter

Submitted by sourcecode07 on
Unit Converter is a program that allows the user to change or turn from one state or condition to another called convert by entering thier password in the login form the user is ready to use it. This program is user friendly and it is easy to use even the user is his/her first time to use it, there is no such thing that can make the user difficult to use just select what unit do you want to

Stop Watch

Submitted by sourcecode07 on
Stopwatch is the program that allows the user to run time, stop the running time, and reset it to start all over again. When you run the program the time is automatically run but the user can stop and reset it to start again, in the upper left there is a dropdown menu where the user can select weither he/she wants to view the current time, view the current date, and select the stopwatch thats it

Product Inventory Database

Submitted by sourcecode07 on
Product Inventory Database is a system that allows the user to add product details, edit product informations, delete product records, search data from the database. This system is using a foxpro programming language, it is user friendly nice graphic user interface The purpose of this system is to determine the availability of the stocks and its quantity, record the stock in, stock out and create