Creating simple Calculator in Java

Submitted by mehfuza on


This tutorial is about creating simple calculator which performs only four operations. For creating a simple Calculator we require two JTextFields where the user can enter two numbers, four JButton for four operations namely addition, subtraction,multiplication and division, a JLabel for displaying the result.


Step 1: Creating a class which extends JFrame because we are going to create an Application. After this we have to define the constructor of the class as follows. Super() is used to give title to the frame.

Part III: Update and Delete Specific Data in MySQL Database using Visual Basic.Net

Submitted by joken on
In this lesson we will focus on completing the user CRUD tutorial or the Create, Read, Update and Delete user. So to start with, Open our last tutorial called "Part II: Inserting and Reading of Data in MySQL Database Using Visual Basic.Net" and select the Manage User form and add two buttons in it.

Visual Basic Proxy Checker

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial will be on how to create a proxy checker which will test a list of proxies and report if they respond within 3000ms/3seconds (can be changed using .Timeout). Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we will need to Import two packages, one to use StreamReader and StreamWriter and another to use HttpWebRequest and HttpWebResponse

Oracle Released MySQL Workbench 6.0

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The world's leading software company Oracle has released a new version of MySQL Workbench with a revamped user interface and more database management support. The new MySQL Workbench 6.0 combines data modeling, SQL development, and server administration tools. The SQL Editor provides color syntax highlighting, auto-complete, reuse of SQL snippets, and execution history of SQL. It also supports

Shop Apps

Submitted by akora4 on
Long time coders, this is a complete inventory, Stock and invoice system. Auto detect available products (Min, Reorder and Max stock level), manage customers, track product and transactions, Auto codes for products, user authentication.... just contact 00233(0)245149126/[email protected] for full source code.

Part II: Inserting and Reading of Data in MySQL Database Using Visual Basic.Net

Submitted by joken on
This tutorial is the continuation of Connecting MySQL Database using Visual Basic.NET. In this part we will focus on how to insert Data and to load data and display it in a form using DataGridview Object. To start with, we will set up first our database table.

Visual Basic Skype Mass Message

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial you will learn how to create a mass message program for Skype in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step One: First we need to include the Skype API so go to Project > Add Reference > COM > Skype4COM. Step Two: Now add a button to our form which will begin the mass message process and a text box to enter the message to send to everyone. Step Three: Next we need to create a variable to contain our Skype client.