Billing System using Java

Submitted by Gauravtripathi on
For using this program, you have to create the DNS under control panel. Follow some steps below to create a DNS. 1. copy database any drive 2. open control panel....administrative tool.... DATA SOURCE (odbc) 3. click add button...then click on "microsoft access driver(.mdb,.accdb)" 4. click select....then choose drive where is ur database.. 5. select Billing_System.... 6. then give name as Billing

Drawing Strings via the Graphics Object in C#

Submitted by Yorkiebar on


This tutorial is on how to draw text in .NET (C#/Visual Basic).

Labels, Textboxes?

I'm sure if you've not looked in to the 'graphics' (etc) objects in the .NET framework, you're thinking, why don't we just use labels or textboxes with their read-only property enabled. Labels and textboxes both have a surrounding area around the text which are both of different colours (however we could change this to the form background colour to give the effect of the backgrounds being removed), but would we create extra controls (labels, and textboxes) when we don't need to?

Trees in C++

Submitted by moazkhan on
Trees in C++ Now, we know the basics of efficiency analysis and if I find some space in tutorial, efficiency calculation will be discussed but mean while, it is very important to cover other important data structures.

How To Use a REST API in PHP

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to use an API in PHP. What Is An API? An API is an Application Programming Interface and is used as a middle stepping stone for external applications to use the functions of an internal application. An example of this would be the Skype API. The Skype API allows external applications on the users computer to access their Skype account via the Skype4ComLib API. REST API: There are a few different types of APIs, we'll be using an example REST in this tutorial.

Efficiency Analysis in C++

Submitted by moazkhan on
While explaining previous tutorials, I was finding it difficult to explain various functions as I could talk in terms of efficiency and order. So, I have decided to include this earlier. In this tutorial, you will learn 1. What efficiency means. 2. Why time is more important than space. 3. The meaning of growth rate. 4. Explain different orders of growth. What is efficiency of a program? Efficiency of a program is directly related to the time and computer space it needs for execution.