Playing YouTube video with the twitter bootstrap framework

Submitted by GeePee on
In this tutorial, I'm going to show you how to embed YouTube video in a web page using the twitter bootstrap framework. Since we will be using bootstrap for convenient and nice looking web application. First you need to download the twitter bootstrap framework. Then after you download the twitter bootstrap, extract and copy the files such as: css, fonts and js folder.

Retrieve Database Tables from MySQL Database using Visual Basic.Net into ComboBox

Submitted by GeePee on
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to create an application that will load all the MySQL database and store it into a combobox displaying all the table fields in the datagridview. To start in this program you need to open visual basic and create a new application and name it as “dbcreator01”.

Part III: Generating Autonumber using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by GeePee on
In some of our previous tutorial, we discuss how to Create, Read, Update and Delete using object-oriented programmming approach. This tutorial is a continuation of our previous topic called "Part II: Updating and Deleting of MySQL data using an OOP approach in PHP". But this time we’re going to focus on how to generate autonumber. This autonumber can be used as a unique id in your aside from your database.

Filling the Twitter Bootstrap-Select Dynamically From MySQL Data Using PHP

Submitted by GeePee on
In this lesson is a continuation of our previous tutorial called Creating and Populating table with MySQL Data using Twitter Bootstrap framework. At this time, we’re going to use the same framework. But we will focus on how to populate the Twitter Bootstrap-Select dynamically from MySQL Data using PHP and display the corresponding value in a label form.

Part II: Updating and Deleting of MySQL data using an OOP approach in PHP

Submitted by GeePee on
This tutorial is a continuation of our previous tutorial called Part I Creating and Reading of MySQL Data using an OOP approach in PHP. Be sure to read it before continuing this tutorial. All we need is add three PHP files called edit_user.php, process_edit_user.php and deleteuser.php. Create a file called edit_user.php. and add the following code: The main purpose of this code is used to display the selected data from “index.php”.

Part I: Creating and Reading of MySQL Data Using OOP Approach in PHP

Submitted by GeePee on
This tutorial I will show you on how to perform Object Oriented Programming using PHP and how easy to manage our source code and deal with objects and update the code easily. Before we move on to writing object-oriented code in PHP, it is important to understand the basic concept of classes, objects, properties, and methods. A Class is like a blueprint of a car. It defines how car created from the blueprint will look and behave, but it still an abstract concept. An Object is like a real car created from the blueprint.