Bootstrap Wizard Registration using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this tutorial, we are going to learn on Bootstrap Wizard Registration using PHP/MySQL. These form field in registration is separated into a group. We have three steps to complete the registration. And a user can navigate using our previous and next button at every step. Wizard Registration - HTML This source code displays all three steps.

Point of Sale and Inventory System C#.Net Version 2.0

Submitted by cybernick75 on
This is a complete point of sale and inventory system written in C#.NET. You can use this system to your future project. System Features Staff/Employee Categories Products Point of Sale Inventory Daily Sales Report By User Daily Sales Report By Invoice Stocks In Stocks Out/Sales Reorder Level Automatically Print Receipt RePrint Receipt Company And VAT Setting UPDATE 06-18-2017 : Product Import

Retrieving and Deleting Data in the Database Using C# and SQL Server 2005

Submitted by janobe on
In this tutorial, I will show you how to retrieve and delete the data in the database using and SQL server 2005. This method has the ability to display the records that has been saved in the database to the Datagridview. It will also delete the existing records in the table of the database. Follow the step by step guide below.

So, let’s get started:

Step 1. Create a database and name it “testdb”. Step 2.

How to Create Quick Search using PHP/MySQL with jQuery

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this tutorial, we are going to create Quick Search using PHP/MySQL with jQuery. Search query using PHP/MySQL is a PHP source code that the users enable to quick search in the table. Creating TextBox for the user where they can type their desired word to quick search data and the table with our data in a data table.

Let's Begin

  • Creating Markup
  • Creating Database Connection
  • Creating PHP Script
First, we are going to create our simple HTML source code.

Image Drag & Drop Shuffle & Reorder Position

Submitted by rinvizle on
This tutorial we will create a Image Drag & Drop Shuffle & Reorder Position. And would be very helpful for your programming projects. This project you will learn how to build drag and drop shuffle & reorder position of images using jQuery, Ajax, PHP and MySQL. And you would be able to provide a better user interface for your web project.

Confirmation Alert Box using JavaScript

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this article, we are going to create Confirmation Alert Box using JavaScript. You can use this simple script source code to give any confirmation to the user or the admin whether delete, accept, add, view, or etc. This simple article usually used for deleting or confirming information to your systems or websites. This is a simple source code.

Members Information System using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this simple Members Information System, all readers can learn how to create this simple full source code system using PHP/MySQL. This system provides you a simple source code to make you productive and you can easily to understand how to use this source code. In this system, you will learn how to codes add, edit, and delete using PHP/MySQL. This system suitable for the beginners who want to learn basic coding first.