Convert Bootstrap into WordPress Theme and Earn Thousands of Dollars

Submitted by admin on
WordPress Theme is a multi-million business on the net. According to the WordPress Commerce report published by the WP Engine, out of over $267,000,000 WordPress Marketplace revenue, WordPress Theme has a total of $232,541,864 revenue generated. A huge potential for all programmers to create and sell their Theme products and take a good slice of this very lucrative market. Are you a programmer

Implementation of Data Structures and Algorithms

Submitted by Solomon Yaw on
This program was developed during my one semester course in Data Structures and Algorithms. It was developed with Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. It provides a GUI implementation of sorting searching algorithms, stacks, queues and binary tree. This program will be relevant to computer science students around the world who want to know how data structures and algorithms are implemented using

Uploading data to Amazon S3 from Node.js

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What can be simpler than uploading file to the server and saving it to hard drive, right? Open read stream, read bytes, open write stream, write bytes, done. Now let's explore the same question but from a high-load high-availability service perspective. You're designing new Instagram, where will you store the photos? Remember, at a bare minimum you need to make sure that a failure to a single node in a data center will not interrupt your service (you can't allow to lose those precious cat pictures that your users are uploading).

Solution: The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine

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This is a common problem when you run Visual Studio projects like Visual Basic and Visual C#. It can be solve sometimes when you change the CPU to x86 instead of any CPU. Otherwise, an installation of certain components solves the problem. Just try the following solutions one by one until you fixed the problem. If solution # 1 doesn’t solve the problem, proceed to solution # 2 and so on. Solution

Implementing Facebook Authentication With Node.js

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In this small project we'll see how to implement Facebook authentication for your Node app with a help of Passport.js. Facebook authentication might sound like a lot of work but with the help of Passport, it is a surprisingly easy task. To give you a good feeling about the volume of code that you're about to write: It is about 80 lines of JavaScript and couple more lines of HTML. Before we start let's see how our application will look like. This is a truely minimalistic app with two pages: a login page and a "secret" page that only authenticated users are allowed to see.

Learn How to Create Android Apps with “Complete Android N Developer Course”

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Learn how to develop apps for the latest Android platform from the comfort of your home. Learning to develop Android apps can be really fun – the feeling of fulfillment for having created your own application, the opportunity of turning it into a profitable business, or maybe the possibility of landing a high-paying job, are just some of the things that make it even more exciting. But becoming an

Simple Ordering System with Cash as Method of Payment and Receipt Report

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will show you how to create a Simple Ordering System with Cash as Method of Payment and Receipt Report. This simple system is created for ordering and adding a product. Every product that the admin created will be added to the system, and every product that the customer had been ordered has a discount. The system can also generate a receipt.

Logging in Node.js

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Logging is one of the most undervalued and most important features of an enterprise application. Logs is what makes a difference between spending sleepless nights catching a mysterious bug or reading a clear message about what exactly caused an application to crash. It is not just important to write logs. It is important to write logs in a right way. In this article we'll look at most popular Node.js logging solutions and how to use them in your application. console.log ----------------- Option #1 - console.log().