PHP - Simple String Conversion

Submitted by razormist on
Learn on how to create a Simple String Conversion using PHP. This code can be use in converting some string easily and automated. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development. Using PHP, you can let your user directly interact with the script and easily to learned its syntax. It is mostly used by a newly coders for its user friendly environment.

jQuery Raffle with PHP Array

Submitted by Mr.Niemand03 on
Jquery Raffle with PHP Array Simple random number generation in a loop to simulate a raffle draw. The code uses bootstrap as the main design and to produce modal to show who is the winner. Also it requires jquery to run. You may use Jquery CDN at and Bootstrap CDN at

Simplest Online Notepad for Copy/Paste in PHP

Submitted by opensource on
It's a simple and secured online notepad. It uses PHP file handling functions and there is no database. Just upload and start using it. Create your own unique url : Shortcuts key : ALT + N = New File ALT + C = Copy all ALT + U = URL Copy ALT + D = Download CTRL + S = Save CTRL + L = Lock , Unlock, Edit CTRL + DEL = Delete File File status : Locked =

How to include PHP files/Templates in CodeIgniter

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to include PHP flies/Templates or string in views of CodeIgniter. CodeIgniter is a lightweight PHP framework that uses MVC(Model-View-Controller) architecture. We cant just simply include our php file like we did with core PHP using include() function in CodeIgniter instead we do this in controllers following this tutorial.

How to Remove Index.Php in the URL of Codeigniter Application

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to remove index.php in the URL of CodeIgniter application. By default, index.php is included in the URLs of your CodeIgniter Application. You can remove this by using .htaccess file which contains rules for your URLs. We are going to make this file in this tutorial and a few configurations if your using localhost server.