Javascript - Simple Currency Converter

Submitted by razormist on
Learn on how to create a Simple Currency Converter using Javascript. JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex things on web pages. It can renders web pages in an interactive and dynamic fashion. It is widely used in designing a stunning website. This code can be used as your converter to your mathematical problem

Creating Score Manager, Destroy boundary and Gameplay Controller

Submitted by razormist on

Creating Score Manager

We will now create the scoring of the game. This will track down the score of the player every time the enemy is defeated. To do that go to GameObject and select UI, then choose Text. After creating the text set the components as shown below.


tut81 Next create another UI Text as a child of the component above. Then set the components as shown below.

Score Text

Online Shopping (eCommerce)

Submitted by esaitbd on
free open source eCommerce platform for online merchants. provides a professional and reliable foundation from which to build a successful online store. Important! If your bug report is not related to the core code (such as a 3rd party module or your server configuration) then the issue will be closed without a reason. You must contact the extension developer, use the forum or find a commercial

Simple Snake Game using HTML5 canvas and Pure Javascript

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a simple snake game using HTML5 canvas and pure Javascript. Snake game a simple game wherein there is a small snake at first and gets bigger whenever it eats a food that randomly appears on the screen. The goal of this game is to get a high score which depends on how big your snake gets.

Screen Recorder For Android

Submitted by dvinfosys on
One of our most frequent requests from readers is to tell them how to record your screen on Android. The functionality has been around for quite some time but usually requires some tinkering and adjustment to get it. In Android Lollipop, they have a screen recording method building into the OS and that’s how most people do it these days. Let’s take a look at a few Android apps and some other