Introduction to Java

Submitted by admin on


Java was developed in the year 1991 and was formally announced in 1995. Basically, java is based on C and C++. The character of java is inherited from both of these two languages. Syntax of java is related to C and Object Oriented facial from C++.

Now java is used to create web sites including interactive content, iphone applications, applications for devices like pagers and cell phones etc.

Key Features of Java

Guide to the HyperLinkField

Submitted by planetsourcecode on
If we use GridViewin, we see Hyperlinkfield, at first time we thought that it is very easy to use but at another second we get confuse how to use it so I am going to focus on using it in a Gridview which is populated from database the main thing of HyperLinkField is work like a regular hyperlink in our GridView. The main four properties are here concerned are: 1). DataTextField,

Replace “\n” with “<BR\>”

Submitted by planetsourcecode on
We got some problem in storing newline character in database. This will help the developers in most of the development conditions.There are lot of times we accept user input in a textarea or a multiline textbox and save it to a database. But while displaying the data from the database, you will find that the line breaks are not displayed properly, infact there will be no line breaks. We will need to convert all the new line characters (”\n” character) to “

Sending SMS using AT Commands via GSM Modem/GSM Phone (receiving SMS-updated)

Submitted by emond on
THE FULL SEND AND RECEIVED SMS SERVER with complete Source Codes for developers are available to purchase. .NET version is also available Feel free to contact me at the addresses and links below: Demo: This a sample how to send SMS using AT Commands like in Hyper Terminal via GSM Modem or

Sending Data via parallel port using INPOUT32.dll

Submitted by emond on
Sample how to send data to LPT or printer port using INPOUT32.dll from Lakeview Research.. .NET version be sure you write the correct data coz this may cause to crash ur pc... Hope u like it.. Questions and Request , Design Project ? Mobile +639399393702 +639155338048 Blog Site http://www

Simple remote MySQL database in VB Application

Submitted by emond on
a simple database app that can be used to manipulate your website's MYSQL database, applicable in administrating your web databse from your Windows based PC .Connection is via MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver. CAn perform CRUD and it shows how to connect and query records in a remote server (for this sample i used using ADOdb control and datagrid to show data from remote server.. I'll Post