Daily Time Record Recording System Version 1.0


About this code I called it Daily Time Record Recording System Version 1.0 written in Visual Basic. It is a system the monitors the attendance of an employee in the company it also computes the salary of the employees based on the attendance render.

If you find my work useful send me an email at [email protected]. People here in the Philippines who wish to contact me can reach me at 09296768375 and my landline number (034) 433-50-81. Thank you very much and Happy Programming.


Mr. Jake Rodriguez Pomperada, MAED - Instructional Technology

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pls.i need the source code of the daily time record... tnx so much

the codes we're very useful.. can you help me fix some codes who we're not working like displaying the picture of the employee... here's my email : [email protected] thanx in advance..

eOw there Sir, can u pls send me a code of DTR, i just want to see , and get ideas from it sir, im a newbie.. not so good in making programs, so can u pls help me?? send it to my email ad, [email protected]. tnx n advance, hope that u will answer my comment^^

thanks for the code.

where can I download the codes?

Can u please send the source code to my ID- [email protected] Thanks in advance

thanx 4 sharing ur code but i nid some ideas can u send me the code [email protected] thanks so much

hellow>....... i have a problem about the dtr.. can yu help me solve my problem.. i'am making now a project which a payroll system

can you send me a sample code in visaul basic about computing daily sales and monthly sales.

is any daliy transaction record system. this include buying,selling,cost,net profit,discount etc. reach me at [email protected]

...can u send me a sample code in Visual Basic about Daily recording system of Sales in a Computer Shop Bzness....here's my e-mail [email protected]. Tnx...

here's my email add, [email protected]. can u send me 5 company using automated daily sales record system for my thesis. thanks.

hi can u pls send the source code to [email protected] thanks...

hi sir..!! would u mind if i ask you the code of your daily time record system..?... !! i was just badly need it for my project..huhuhu.. here's my e add [email protected] tnx ..

We would like to request from you a source code of dtr system for we really need it badly for our requirements in school. We are hoping your urgent rply. thank you and Godspeed.

hi.. can help me with this probelm,. the program will accept 5 names and 5 grades. rank the grades... pls pls pls.... sen to my ym account [email protected] tnk u....

sir can you send me the code of daily record??this is my email [email protected] pls..........pls........ sir!!!!!!!!

Hi, I need your help for my Thesis, I need to run your daily time record System. Can u send me the code. Pls send to [email protected] Thank you... More Power



sir what are some transaction of dtr..heres my [email protected]

I'm interested with your source code. Please share. My email is [email protected] Thanks.

hi sir..!! would u mind if i ask you the code of your daily time record system..?... !! i was just badly need it for my project in Visual Foxpro..huhuhu.. here's my e add [email protected] tnx ..

I'm Gen of Panabo City may I ask if you have another sytem like accounts rceivable or sales monitoring system or somwhat a combination for that may I ask if you have a cod for this thanks..

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

i had interest in your system that you have done. sir.please help me a library system or voting system using vb6. this is my email [email protected]. or contact me at 0907-311-5582. tnx sir..

gud pm...helo sir,can u give me a codes of your [email protected] is my email add.

please help me... please give me a vb5.0 codes for dtr....

sir can you plz send me timer in vb6 that records how many times use..etc.plz....im just new using vb6.

i want recording code

sir can you please hepl me in our mini-thesis the DTR system..some codes of dtr..tnx here's my email add:[email protected]

i have a problem about the dtr.. can you please send me a code of DTR please help me to solve my problem.. I need codes in daily time record cause it is our final exam as of now I am making now a project which a daily time record the program we use is visual basic 6.0 .. please send it to my email add> [email protected] ..

can i ask for the codes of the dtr pls? i realy want some basis because im making a dtr in vb6 right now.. here's my email: [email protected]

hi,,, can u please send me a source code of daily time record because i hve project and i dont know. please send me asap coz the deadline is on first week of january...im hoping to send it. thanks!!! heres my email [email protected]...(java, netbeans.)...

sir, pls send me a copy of the DTR source code only i need it for reference of my programing project pls sir [email protected] thnx

llooow sir, can you plzZz send mhe also the code of DTR...for our project....hEr iz my [email protected]...... thank you so much sir, "in advAnz" and God bless....

sir, can you send this system in VB 8?? please send in my email [email protected] if you can. I badly need this.thanks in advance! :)

gud pm can i ask the code of dtr or where can i get it couse i really need it to my buz. my add is [email protected] thnks. it could be a great help. mrn

hi, can u pls send the source code of ur Dtr system to me and can you help me fix the code is not working like displaying the picture of the employee..... here's my email : [email protected] thanks in advance...

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