Patient Information and Billing System for Birthing Homes
Submitted by donbermoy on Friday, November 14, 2014 - 08:05.
This system entitled Patient Information and Billing System for Birthing Homes helps the students to understand the flow of patient information and billing particularly in a birthing home. Almost of the systems for patient information are in hospitals, clinic, or baranggay health center, so i made a twist to propose this system to birthing homes. This system can also be used for your capstone/thesis project.
Features of this system:
- Patient Registration
- Confinement
- Purchase Items/Medicines
- Discharge Patients
- Order Items
- Incoming Items
- Product/Medicines
- Supplier
- Doctor's Fee
- Room
- Boarding Fee
- Birthing Fee
- Doctor Entry
- User Settings
- Patient History
- Patient Records
- Patient Discharge
- Inventory Monitoring
- Stock-in/Stock-out
- Sold Items
- Critical Items
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