Cinema Reservation System Using MS Access
Submitted by galvez15 on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 - 22:04.
Description: A kind of seat reservation that is purposely design for theater/movie setup. This system has the functionality to keep track of all cinema seats, whether occupied or available. This system can handle six (6) cinema for several movies and 144 seats for each cinema, which sums up to a 864 seats to tracked for the whole day. This system is best for small cinemas and theaters for fast and efficient seat reservation record. :)
LOGIN ACCOUNT: Shown at the start of system
Account Number: 11-0129
Username: sergio
Password: sergio
ADMIN PASSWORD: Clicked the link "create new" at the login screen.
Password: p@ssw0rd
Note: Some issues were not yet fixed thus I will be updating this on several upcoming weeks / months. And I hope that this project will be used for educational purposes and that the system itself maintains its copyrights as proposed.
For the system installer, click the link below
Sergio Galvez
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