Patient's Record using MS Access Database

This is a patient record with one to many relationship. It allows you to record the patient's history as a child form. It has some useful code that you can use in your own application. The database can be found under debug folder. If you have question, leave your comment below or add me in your facebook account. My username is "michaelangeloico". Thank you

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1. Re-scan downloaded files using your personal virus checker before using it.
2. NEVER, EVER run compiled files (.exe's, .ocx's, .dll's etc.)--only run source code.


Hi I have just downloaded your project and it runs in debug mode fine. But it does not work if installed on to the computer. Do you have a copy of this that works with the local database if installed on to someone's pc. Thank's

sir/maam i think this record patient is related to may project information system of students and teacher in our school,,sir/maam kind ly send me a code for my project @ [email protected] thank very much i am hoping for your responce in this matter,, god bless!!!

add nio nalang ako sa facebook para sa mga matanong thanks.. username: michaelangeloico

thank you

Anyone still would I be able to get the sourse code please? I cant find your facebook account!

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