
Creating an AngularJS CRUD using UI-Router and PHP/MySQLi Tutorial

Submitted by nurhodelta_17 on
This tutorial tackles on how to create a CRUD Operation in Angular JS using Ui-Router to manage our routes and PHP/MySQLi to handle our backend with MySQL as our Database. You will learn in this tutorial how to use UI-Router. Angular JS is a javascript framework maintained by Google and is capable of creating Single-Page Applications.

Add/Remove Rows and Validating Cells DataGridView Control

Submitted by Thongkorn on
This project is an advanced VB.Net (2010) code but it is a base implementation in every project. I write all the code in the @Run Time. Because of the flexibility to control the program for work as we want. This will make users feel to “Friendly used”. It consists of locking the keyboard in each cell of the DataGridView. In case of an integer, it can only be numbered from 0 to 9. In case of a

Add, Edit, Delete Image with data table using PDO in PHP/MySQL

Submitted by alpha_luna on
Related Code: Add, Edit, Delete with data table using PDO in PHP/MySQL This simple project is created using PDO or it's called PHP Data Objects and it's a database driven using MySQL as a database. This project is intended for beginners in using PDO. It has a basic code so everyone can easily to understand and learn.

Crud Operation in Java MySQL In Netbeans Using Swing

Submitted by EEWsagar on
This CODE is going to help you learning how to do basic database operations (CRUD - Create, Retrieve, Update and Delete) using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) API. These CRUD operations are equivalent to the INSERT, SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE statements in SQL language. Although the target database system is MySQL, but the same technique can be applied for other database systems as well because

Simple Calculator Using PHP

Submitted by jaredgwapo on
This is a simple Calculator that you can use in your project or systems. Just download the source code and follow the instructions below. DIRECTIONS HTML CODE Enter First Number Select Operator + - * / Enter First Number Output = PHP CODE For more information and inquiries, feel free to comment below or email me at [email protected]. May this simple calculator may help you in your projects or