Payroll System in VB.NET and MS Access Database with Source Code and Documentation
This Payroll System is a VB.NET Project. This project was developed using VB.NET and Microsoft Access Database. The system was written in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. This system manages a certain company's employee records and calculates their payroll. The system has user-friendly functionality and has a pleasant user interface.
For the Thesis documentation
Visit the following link:
- Payroll System: Thesis Documentation Chapter One
- Payroll System: Thesis Documentation Chapter Two
- Payroll System: Thesis Documentation Chapter Three
- Register Employee`s
- Create Pay-slip
- Generate General Payroll
- Can Switch Admin or User mode
- User Friendly
- Print Payslip
- Export data`s to Excel
- Print Employee Information
How to Run
- Download and Install Microsoft Visual Studio Software 2010 Ultimate or latest version. (Source code was Previously Tested using VS2019)
- Download and Install Microsft Office
- Download and Install Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010
- Download the source code zip file.
- Extract the source code zip file.
- Locate the Solution file known as "sdssuHOLLISTICPayrollsystem.sln".
- Open the solution file with your MS Visual Studio Software.
- Press the "F5" key to run the project.
Login Access for Admin
User: admin
Password: admin
Login Access for User
User: clyde123
Password: clyde123
I hope this Payroll System in VB.NET will help you with what you are looking for.
Enjoy Coding:)
If you have questions contact me:
Gmail: [email protected]
Facebook: Clyde Chectopher A. Tiu
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GCASH: 09454339345
SMART: 09100047158
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