[BBC iPlayer] File Version Checker in Visual Basic #1 Design, Imports and GetSource Function

Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create an update checker tool. Note; this is not a software/application self updating feature, this is to check whether there are new versions of another program/video/audio file ready to view. Purpose: I am going to be making this program for BBC iPlayer so I can check if there are new episodes of certain TV Shows I watch. You can alter this program to any other purpose with minor tweaking of source code. Design: This program needs a few different components; Textbox, pathText, holds the txt file path of the current/latest found version of the item(s) to check. Button, browseButton, to allow the user to alter the path directory. Label, statusLabel, to hold the current status of the prorgam. Label, versionLabel, to hold the latest found version through checking of the program. Get Source Function: This function will send a request to the target URL, receive a response, read the response from start to finish using a new System.IO.StreamReader's ReadToEnd() function in to a string, then return that source string...
As you can probably guess, this function will be used to get the web page source of the file version we are checking for new ones of. Imports: You will want to import the following to allow the use of the modules...
  1. Imports System.Net, System.IO
Net - HTTPWebRequest and HTTPWebResponse IO - StreamReaders and StreamWriter

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