
Magnifying Form Window In VB.NET

Submitted by Stevenp12 on
This program will allow you to magnify whatever the computer mouse is hovering on. You are able to resize the form too. To activate the magnifying window, you have to click on the form once. All we need is a 'pictureBox' and a 'Timer'. The timer will do most of the job with 18 lines of code. First we have to code the mouse positions and the syncing of the magnifying form. We set our resolution in

PHP Text to Speech using Microsoft Speech API

Submitted by Mr.Niemand03 on Microsoft Speech API The Speech Application Programming Interface or SAPI is an API developed by Microsoft to allow the use of speech recognition and speech synthesis within Windows applications. To date, a number of versions of the API have been released, which have shipped either as part of a Speech SDK, or as part of the Windows OS itself

The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced Course Review

Submitted by admin on
Are you looking for a course that could give you knowledge in hacking so that you can protect your network from hackers? Even though you just have a little knowledge in terms of manipulating the products of the technological advancements, still, you can be someone who knows the aspects related to hacking and how to prevent it with the course The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to

Motivational Quote Selector in Visual Basic

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a motivational quote selector to show you one random quote every day that will get you thinking. The Website: First we need a source of the random quotes, I've found this website which has an entire list of good, motivational quotes with the author listed as well... Design: Next we need the design for our program... well, actually there is no design.

Windows Defender May Be Activated on Unprotected PCs By Microsoft

Submitted by Saad Arif on
It is rumored that the Windows Defender will be automatically activated by Microsoft for those PCs that are left behind in the update. This news came out by Microsoft on Monday Afternoon. The security officials at Microsoft were speaking about this on their latest Security Intelligence Report and it is scheduled to be released today. As per Microsoft’s policy, they want to move their users from

Hadoop 2 adds YARN support

Submitted by jproimakis on
Hadoop will now natively support Apache’s framework for job scheduling and cluster resource management. With Hadoop’s 2.2.0 version, the first stable release offered on the 2.x build, the platform sees YARN sit on top of HDFS (Hadoop Distributed Filing System) to offer a large-scale, distributed operating system for applications dealing with big data, thus enabling simultaneous processing for

Microsoft boosts IPython funds

Submitted by jproimakis on
IPython’s development plans receive significant boost after Microsoft elects to sponsor the platform with a $100 thousand donation. A command shell for interactive computing in multiple programming languages, the IPython was awarded the 2012 Award for the Advancement of Free Software at Libre Planet this year. Dr Fernando Perez, the man behind the platform, originally developed it as a sort of

Microsoft to Pay Developers $100,000 for Windows Phone App

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
Microsoft made a enormous offers which will pay up to $100,000 to developers to port popular apps to Windows Phone 8. The well-supported rumors started through a report in Bloomberg Businessweek's Technology section by Ashlee Vance. According to Ashlee Vance the source of the rumor came from "Silicon Valley friends." It was also confirmed by two sources contacted by Business Insider, the rumors

Windows 8.1 Released Start Button Isn't Back

Submitted by navajocodetalker on
The world's leading software company, Microsoft, released some information regarding the highly-anticipated Windows 8.1. The Start Button is not reinstated. For the past few days you may read some headlines that the well-known Start Button is back, then you are simply being misled. Microsoft announcement states that although you can see the Start Button being added to the desktop bar, but unlike