student management system

Online student management system in php free download

Submitted by mayuri_k on
A student management system is a web-based application that allows educational institutions to manage their students, faculty, staff, and other resources. It provides an efficient way to keep track of student data and records, as well as manage student activities such as attendance and grades. The system also helps with administrative tasks such as creating class schedules and managing finances

Student Information Management System using VB.NET using Source Code

Submitted by Sagar Maher on
This is Student Information System Project. This Project was written in VB.NET as the front end and SQL Server as the Back end. The program is a program with CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) Operations. My main purpose in developing this project to help newbies or IT/CS students to learn how to create a VB.NET and MS SQL Server Database Project which might be useful to them for their future

Online Student Management System Using PHP/MySQLi

Submitted by janobe on
Now, there’s no need for schools or any educational institutions to manage their students manually on a spreadsheet because this Student Management System will all do the work for you. This is a user friendly system and the functions of it can be easily learned. With the Student Management System, t he admin or school staff will be able to track and manage the information of every student that is

School Management System

Submitted by Sagar Maher on
School Management System Description :- This School Management System build using VB.Net in Visual Studio 2012. This system contains Student management, Staff management, Exam management, User management, Class management, Subject management, Fees management, Accounts and Payment. Prerequisites :- .NET Framework 4.5 SAP Crystal Report Runtime 2015. Microsoft Office 2013 AccessDatabaseEngine Key

School Management System (C#.Net & Sql Server)

Submitted by vaibhav02 on
It’s an advanced School Management System Project written in C#.Net 4.0 as front end and SQL Server 2008as Back end. This School management system software is used to manage information regarding students,office staff, Librarian,Account officer, administrators and other school personnel use this platform to communicate and perform tasks.School management system software assists the school in

Linked List and Stack implementation in C

Submitted by deepak.gupta150 on
Student management system coded in C. This application is created to demonstrate Linked list and Stack implementation using C. Stack - In automated stockroom, initially the user has to provide the quantity of retailers to be taken from the truck and then the program will prompt the user to add the product id as well bin id for the respective retailers and then after scanning all the ID’s program