
Skype Profile Image Downloader in Visual Basic

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: In this tutorial we are going to be making a simple program in Visual Basic to download someones Skype profile picture. How It Works: We are going to use the Skype API to act as a link to get the profile picture, from that we can use a simple download function within Visual Basic .NET to download the returned image through the link. Design: This program will take two components; Button, named 'skypeButton', text set as 'Download Profile Image' Textbox, named 'skypeText', where the user will enter the skype profile username.

Skype4COMLib Skype API Auto Response in C#

Submitted by Yorkiebar on


This tutorial is on how to use the Skype4ComLib Libaries in C# .NET to access our Skype program on our computer.


To use the Skype libaries you need to first obtain them via .NET Framework installation of 4.0 or later. I am using 4.5 for this tutorial, then you want to create a new Console/Form application in Visual Studio for a C# application. Right click on your application in the 'Solution/Package Explorer', click on 'Add', then 'Reference', select 'COM' from the side tabs, and choose 'SKYPE4COMLib Libary'.

Visual Basic Skype Mass Message

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial you will learn how to create a mass message program for Skype in Visual Basic. Steps of Creation: Step One: First we need to include the Skype API so go to Project > Add Reference > COM > Skype4COM. Step Two: Now add a button to our form which will begin the mass message process and a text box to enter the message to send to everyone. Step Three: Next we need to create a variable to contain our Skype client.