Simple Web App in PHP

Simple Issue Tracker System Project using PHP and SQLite Source Code Free Download

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a Simple Issue Tracker System in PHP. It is a mini-project that manages the issues for some processes, forms, products, or anything that needs to be fixed with another department of the company. It is a sort of issue ticketing system that provides an automated platform for the company's employees to raise the problem or issue they encounter for a certain process/turn over a

Simple Form Builder Web App using PHP and jQuery with Source Code

Submitted by oretnom23 on
Introduction This is a simple PHP and jQuery Project that allow the users to create a dynamic form. This project is was inspired and works such as Google Forms though this web app has only the basic feature of the said existing application. This project can be used to conduct surveys, online job application forms, and etc. About the Web Application This Simple Form Builder Web App has the CRUD

Simple Friend System Using PHP with Source Code

Submitted by razormist on
Simple Friend System with Source is a PHP project that can let you send a friend request to other users. The program was created using PHP OOP, MySQLi, and Javascript. The program is very straightforward, the user can access the system when he/she signup an account. The user can search and send a random user to the home page. After sending a request the receiving user can decide whether to accept