
Notification/System Tray Application

Submitted by Spectromage on
This is a simple notification/system tray application in 2010. All code is minimal needed, I have seen many examples that are more complicated then it needs to be. Form Load: Me.Close() Form closing: e.Cancel = True Me.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms.FormWindowState.Minimized Me.ShowInTaskbar = False Context menu Exit: End Cotext menu Show: Me.WindowState = System.Windows.Forms

Creating a Simple GUI in Python

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is going to be on how to create a GUI in Python using Tkinter. Tkinter: Tkinter is a basic package to give your projects a simple GUI with the essential GUI elements such as textboxes, checkboxes, buttons and more. Our Program: Our program is going to be a simple program where the user enters text in to a textbox, then clicks a button to get it output to the console.

Simple Inventory Sytem using PDO (For Beginners!)

Submitted by RobertSoriano on
1. OPEN phpmyadmin and create your desired database name. 2. While you are in your desired database, upload the sql file included in the project. 3. Change the database name in db.php to your desired database name. 4. run using your web server (Ex. wamp or xampp) and enjoy! In this inventory system you can: Add/Edit/Delete Items View number of items sold Search for existing items Add Quantity to

How to Create a Notepad Project in Java

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction: This tutorial is on how to create a simple Notepad application in Java. The program will save and open files as well as have close and new functions. Steps of Creation: Step 1: First we want to create two classes; Main and Grid. In our Main class we will have our JFrame (which is the window of the application). The JFrame will lead to our Grid class which will contain the Notepad

Simple Web Browser in Java

Submitted by mehfuza on
In this tutorial we will see how to create a simple web browser. It contains an address bar where a user can type the address and a go button which when clicked loads the web page. For displaying the web pages we require JEditor Pane and HyperlinkListener is required to respond when the user clicks on a link in the document. Following are the steps for creating the web browser. Step 1: Defining the constructor of the class The main class extends the JPanel.