
Elance vs RentACoder

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For the past few months of watching over these two giant companies who specializes on brokerage business, I found out that eLance has a better service with so many great developers who are willing to help you in your programming problem compare to RentACoder. Although RentACoder is the pioneer of this kind of business, I cannot deny the fact that it lacks some certain features that can be found at

A Very Important Tool A Computer Programmer Must Have

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We are now facing the age of the internet. Everyone who wants to ride on this must do something to maximize your profit. If you want your name to stand out in the crowd, then follow these simple steps: 1. Build your own website. Building a website today is very cheap. It will only cost you around $7.95/month for webhosting and $9.95/year for a domain name. Some webhosting company cost only $6.95

How to Solve your Programming Problem?

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As I watch growing its traffic drastically I cannot accommodate all inquiries regarding your problem in computer programming. I have, however, a good suggestion if you need a source code that cannot be found here. is a website that facilitates buyer and coder (sellers) about their programming job. The following are the FAQ from RentACoder website. 1. I have a