progress bar

Progress Meter Using CSS and Javascript

Submitted by jaredgwapo on
In this tutorial, I am going to teach you on to make a beautiful progress meter using CSS and Javascript. Just download the source code below and follow the instructions. Instructions Creating our index.php page In this page we will be creating our html code. don't forget to place the css link on the head tag of the page and place the javascript link below the body tag. Progress Meter Task 1 Task

Progress Bar

Submitted by joken on
Progress Bar is used to give visualization about the status of the current process and computer operation, such as a downloading , transferring of files, installation and more. Your application will look more professional if you are implementing a complex data processing using the Progress Bar. This time, we will create an example of a Progress Bar using Visual Basic. First, open visual basic and create a new project then, save it as “ProgressBar”. Then from the toolbox add a progressbar,label, button and a timer. Next, we’re going to add functionality to our application.