profile picture

Add, Edit, Delete Record With User Profile in PHP/MySQL

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will create a simpleAdd, Edit, Delete, With User Profile In PHP/MySQL - PDO. The application works if the admin will create or add a new member in the list. Every member that the admin created is compose of their username, description and the profile image. And only the admin can access and delete some users in the system. The purpose of this system is to make the users work easily by identifying every persons profile.

Social Networking Site: Simple Uploading of Profile Picture in the Home Page

Submitted by GeePee on
In this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to upload profile picture in the home area, and this profile picture will still be available even your navigating in different pages. To start with this application, open our project in local server and look for the “home.php” and open it. This home page will you show when you successfully logged in.

Skype Profile Image Downloader in Visual Basic

Submitted by GeePee on
Introduction: In this tutorial we are going to be making a simple program in Visual Basic to download someones Skype profile picture. How It Works: We are going to use the Skype API to act as a link to get the profile picture, from that we can use a simple download function within Visual Basic .NET to download the returned image through the link. Design: This program will take two components; Button, named 'skypeButton', text set as 'Download Profile Image' Textbox, named 'skypeText', where the user will enter the skype profile username.