PHP RegEx: Meta Character class

Submitted by ronard on
We already seen the caret(^) as match the the beginning of string and (\z) match at the end of string that what they do. Now we are going to look with the others with beggining of bracket []. These Meta character are specifying a character class. What does the character class? This is a set of character that you want to match the string. They can listed individually like [abcdf] or a range [a-f]

PHP RegEx: With Meta Characters

Submitted by ronard on
In our last tutorials regarding ReGex we have some simple pattern of matching. We also use caret (^) For matching at the beginning of the string and (\z) to match at the end of the string. These characters are called Meta Characters and shown below. a. . (Full stop) b. ^ (Carat) c. * (Asterix) d. + (Plus) e. ? (Question Mark) f. { (Opening curly brace) g. [ (Opening brace) h. ] (Closing brace) i.

PHP RegEx: Match a pattern at the end of the string

Submitted by ronard on
In previous tutorial we have a pattern that match a string at the beggining using caret(^). Now we try to match the pattern at the end of the string using \z. What is \z? This is end of subject or read at the end of subject. We still use (i) case insensitive modifier so that it can read any case. The above script will generate "The string ends with nard" which is read at the end of the subject.

PHP RegEx: Match the Beginning of the String

Submitted by ronard on
In previous tutorial we match the given string. Now we are going to match at the beginning of the given string. The regex character to read beginning is the caret (^). Then we see if the string given begin with Ron. The forward slashes (/) we see are the delimeter that hold our regex pattern. And the quotations are used to 'wrap it all'. Then we see the (^) will put as the beggining of the string.

PHP RegEx: Match A String

Submitted by ronard on
In this tutorial I will show you the basic in regex. In brief discussion. Regex is considered a method of matching pattern within a string. In PHP usually used PCRE or "Perl Compatible Regular Expressions". Let's see a sample to print a string. The above code are printing "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789". Now were going to match the character "xyz" using regex. The code above will output "1"