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Applying Object-Oriented Programming in PHP Pagination

Submitted by GeePee on
This tutorial is a continuation of our previous tutorial called “PHP Pagination”. At this time we’re going to focus on how to perform Pagination using Object-oriented Programming in PHP. Using this OOP we can minimize our code in creating a PHP pagination in our all web pages especially when we are developing a big system. To start with this application, open our file in the document root called “pagination”. Then, we are going to create a new folder called includes.

PHP Page Navigation

Submitted by admin on
I created this script from PHP Pagination Class. It took me half an hour to create this little script. This script is very useful if you want page navigation in your record. Usage: Just include the class file. include('ps_pagination.php'); then create a new object. $pager = new PS_Pagination($conn, $sql, 8, 10); Complete source code: Page Navigation in PHP Country ID Country Create a database