online reservation system in php

Sales And Inventory System with Online Reservation in PHP/CodeIgniter with Source Code

Submitted by umind514 on
This project is a Sales and Inventory System with Online Reservation in PHP/CodeIgniter. This project manages the sales transaction and inventory (stock monitoring) of a certain School Bazaar. This system has an admin panel where the admin user can manage the data such as the product list. The admin can also create a dynamic user role that can manage the limited access in the admin staff such as a

Hotel Management System in PHP with Full Source Code (2020)

Submitted by janobe on
Hotel Management System in PHP with Full Source Code (2020) This Hotel Management System is developed using PHP, Bootstrap, Javascript and CSS. It is an easy to use system that is designed to meet the needs of every guest in a hotel. The Hotel Management System contains the admin and user section. The admin plays a vital role in Hotel Management System because he is the one who manages all the