online ordering

Online Shop Project using PHP/MySQL

Submitted by oretnom23 on
The Online Shop using PHP/MySQL is a project for online purchasing/ordering. This project was developed using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, and bootstrap. About the Project The Online Shop project has 2 types of users, which is the subscriber or the buyer and the admin. The admin manages all the necessary data or records of product to sell. Also, the admin will update the status of the user's orders

Online Ordering System

Submitted by Jeprox on
This Simple Online Ordering System has been written using PHP. You can add, edit, delete products, multiple ordering of products, can upload image product and can leave a message to the website and if you want to go to the admin page just type /admin in the URL. The main feature of this system is the shopping cart. db name: it.sql admin username: admin admin password: admin