Mobile Game

Niantic Poses Lifetime Ban For Cheaters Of Pokemon Go

Submitted by Van Ledesma on
Despite the Pokemon Go craze that goes around several countries already reached by the phenomenal game, still there are those nations that have no access yet. In the point of fact, there were already lots of news reports that prove the phenomenal game. Almost every user who tries it would definitely get hooked to it. This could be one reason that could trigger more and more curiosity to arise to

Pokemon Go Releases New Feature: Indicator Of Nearby Pokemon Is Finally On Screen

Submitted by Van Ledesma on
Pokemon Go is one of the most trending games which marked the history. It has definitely brought the different nations the craze as they are looking for Pokemon characters on their screens. The scene of the real world makes the game even more engaging. Though many are really hooked into the game, still something lies behind it just like every other game - it needs some modifications to perform

Iran Spares Country From Pokemon Go Phenomenon

Submitted by Van Ledesma on
Pokemon Go has become a phenomenon in the digital world. A lot of mobile users were really hooked into it - going to streets with heads down on their phone or with stretched hands but still with eyes set on the screen. This Pokemon Go phenomenon has been rampant in several countries - it has even reached the Philippines. Undeniably, the mobile game really makes people feel excited about it as it