Login using MD5 in PHP

Submitted by alpha_luna on
We are going to create Login using MD5 in PHP. This source code will help you on how to create a simple login form with MD5 Encryption. It has input validation does not allow the user to enter in the home page if the form field was empty and password is being encrypted using the MD5. We have sample source code for the form field below. Take a look and kindly study the code.

Simple Password Safety using MD5 Encryption in PHP

Submitted by rinvizle on
In this tutorial we will create a simple safety password using MD5 encryption. PHP offers the md5 function which calculates the MD5 hash of a string using the MD5 Message Digest Algorithm. This algorithm takes a string and generates a 128-bit fingerprint of the input string. MD5 is a one-way encryption which means that you cannot decipher the fingerprint to get the original string. Yet another feature of MD5 is that the algorithm will always generate the same fingerprint for a given string.

Log In and Registration Form using MD5 in PHP/MySQL

Submitted by alpha_luna on
In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to create Log In and Registration Form using MD5 Encryption in PHP/MySQL. The features of this simple program, it has a registration form for a user and it has an input validation that the empty field is not allowed same with the login form and the password are encrypted using MD5.

Hashing and Salting

Submitted by Erick_Ny on
This tutorial will teach you how to secure password with md5 and sha1 in java . The following are the steps to run this program: 1- Extract 2- Open Eclipse IDE 3- click file menu and Import 4- general/existing projects into workspace/next 5- check, select root directory and click browse 6- locate the project folder then click ok/finish If you find my code useful, send me an email at

MD5 in PHP [Why? How? Explained]

Submitted by Yorkiebar on
Introduction This tutorial is on using MD5 encryption in PHP. Why MD5? MD5 is built in to PHP and is only a one way encryption. This means that even if someone was able to gain access to an encrypted md5 string, called an 'MD5 Hash', it is unlikely they would be able to convert the hash back in to the original plain text string. Decryption: Decryption in most cryptography languages essentially work by using the reverse algorithm to the encryption algorithm used by the cryptography method in question.