Loading screen

Skeleton Loading Screen Animation Using HTML, CSS and JavaScript with Source Code

Submitted by rems on
Welcome to the Skeleton Loading Screen Animation Project! This project demonstrates a modern and engaging way to enhance user experience by using skeleton screens during content loading. Skeleton loading animations display placeholder shapes that mimic the structure of the final content, providing users with a visual cue that content is on its way. Designed with clean and responsive styling, this

Beloading 0.1 Beta

Submitted by Mohamed Feddad on
a customize-able loading screen, based on jQuery UI and Bootstrap Live Demo Dependencies: jQuery jQuery UI Bootstrap Font-Awesome Setup: Options: options = { // options that will be passed and replacements in case not background: options.background || 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9)', // background color icon: options.icon || 'fa fa-refresh fa-spin', // takes font awesome icon text: options.text || 'Behold

CSS Loading Effect

Submitted by alpha_luna on

CSS Loading Effect

In this article, we are going to learn How To Make Loading Effect using CSS. Some programmers or developers they create loading effect using the Flash Software, but as of now they already using the CSS for making the loading effect or any animation even they did not use the Flash Software. For this simple article that we have today, you can change any variant color that you want for the loading effect. You can edit the source code of the CSS style after you download the full source code.