JS DOM Manipulation Tutorial

Basic DOM (Document Object Model) Manipulation using jQuery Tutorial

Submitted by oretnom23 on


In this tutorial, a will show you how to Manipulate DOM (Document Object Model) using jQuery. You will learn how to use the basic and common jQuery APIs or methods. The tutorial aims to provide the students and new programmers a reference for learning how they can give their better experience for your using their developed web application using DOM Manipulations. Here, snippets and sample source codes are provided to give you more understanding of the scripts.

JavaScript Printing an Element Tutorial

Submitted by oretnom23 on

In this tutorial, you will learn a simple way to print the specific element in your web applications page using JavaScript and jQuery. This technique is useful for your future project for printing reports that have already a display. With this, it helps you to prevent redundant coding just for creating a page for printing. Using this printing technique developer can also modify or customize the element before printing and without changing the original display.

Creating a Word Counter App in JavaScript Tutorial

Submitted by oretnom23 on

In this tutorial, I will show how to create a simple Word Counter App using HTML and JavaScript. The main goal of this tutorial is to give you ideas or techniques how to manipulate html content text and more. This web application idea or techniques can be useful for your future web application projects such as Content Management Systems also known as CMS. The application only uses pure JavaScript codes in acheiving the main features.

The scripts are written in: